Student Life
House System

House Leadership & Service

At Hartley, we believe it is imperative for students to gain not only knowledge in high school but also real world skills to be successful. We expect students to use their education and make an impact.


House Leadership was part of the transformation of our school leadership program 14 years ago when the House System was implemented at Bishop Hartley. Changing from a Student Government model, House Leadership is now hands on and fully active in the daily life of the school and has increased the amount of leadership roles we have in the school. Our House Leadership is important to fostering the school community and culture by building school and House spirit. Our leaders are tasked with developing student relationships, House activities and all school activities. Our House System is engrained into the fabric of our school and reaches beyond house time with faith, service, and community activities our leaders plan and coordinate.

House Advisory Board

House Leadership Advisory Board

The House Leadership Advisory Board is a group of 12 seniors who to take the lead in guiding the school community. It consists of teams of two for each Pillar of our school with specific focuses and initiatives attached to the Pillars. This group of 12 students will also be integrated into the House Leadership for their Houses, and responsible to relaying information to the mentor groups and planning and facilitating schoolwide activities throughout the school year. The House Leadership Advisory Board is supported by a Coordinator.


Service is one of the six pillars of Bishop Hartley, a component of evangelization as a Christian living in a secular world, and a critical facet of fine character. We cannot emphasize its Christian value enough:
Be hospitable to one another without complaining. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 1 Peter 4:9-10 NABRE 
    • Day of Faith and Service